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myocardial infarction
Myocardial infarction
Myocardial infarction is necrosis of myocardial tissue which occurs as a result of a deprivation of blood supply, and thus oxygen, to the heart tissue. Blockage of blood supply to the myocardium is caused by occlusion of a coronary artery.
410 grams
A normal heart weighs 300 grams (range: 270 to 360 grams).
atherosclerotic narrowing
Atherosclerosis is the deposition of lipid into the intima of arteries, resulting in narrowing of the vessel lumen.
An occlusion is a blockage.
A thrombus is a solid mass resulting from the aggregation of blood constituents within the vascular system.
palliative surgery
Palliative surgery provides alleviation but is not curative.
15,256 cells/mm³
A normal white blood cell count is 4000-11,000 cells/mm³.
An infiltrate is an accumulation of cells in the lung parenchyma--this is a sign of pneumonia.
Consolidation is the filling of lung air spaces with exudate--this is a sign of pneumonia.
An abscess is a collection of pus (white blood cells) within a cavity formed by disintegrated tissue.
oral candidiasis
Candidiasis is an infection by the fungus Candida in the oral cavity.
Hematuria is the presence of blood in the urine.
Pyuria is the presence of white blood cells (pus) in the urine.
Sepsis is the presence and persistence of pathogenic microorganisms and their toxins in the blood.
disseminated intravascular coagulation
DIC is the development of small thrombi within the microcirculation throughout the body.
acid fast bacilli
Acid fast bacilli are not easily decolorized by acid during staining. This is characteristic of mycobacteria.
620 grams
A normal left lung weighs 375 grams (range: 325 to 480 grams).
1230 grams
A normal right lung weighs 450 grams (range: 360 to 570 grams.
pulmonary congestion
Pulmonary congestion is the engorgement of pulmonary vessels with blood. The increased pressure caused by this engorgement leads to transudation of fluid through the capillary walls and into the alveolar and interstitial spaces.
pulmonary edema
Pulmonary edema refers to the accumulation of fluid in the pulmonary alveolar and tissue spaces as a result of changes in capillary permeability and/or increases in capillary hydrostatic pressure.
disseminated tuberculosis
miliary tuberculosis
Disseminated tuberculosis refers to the hematogenous spread of tuberculous lesions throughout the body. It is also known as miliary tuberculosis (which is so-called because the lesions resemble millet).
tuberculosis granulomas
A tuberculosis granuloma is a focus of granulomatous inflammation caused by CHRONIC tuberculosis infection. The granuloma consists of epithelioid cells (activated macrophages) surrounded by lymphocytes, plasma cells, and fibroblasts.
anthracotic pigment
Anthracotic pigment is coal dust deposited in the lungs--it is seen in coal miners, city-dwellers, and smokers.
"Caseous" means "cheesy."
prostatic carcinoma
Prostatic carcinoma is a highly metastatic form of cancer.
significant pain and discomfort
Back pain resulting from vertebral metastases of prostatic carcinoma is not uncommonly the presenting symptom which leads to the discovery of the carcinoma. Pain occurs late in the metastatic process and is an indicator of a poor outlook for a patient.
peripheral region of the prostate gland
Most commonly, prostatic carcinoma arises in the peripheral region of the gland.
corpora amylacea
Corpora amylacea are small hyaline masses of degenerated cells and inspissated secretions. They are so named because they resemble (but are categorically not) amyloid deposits.
exercise intolerance
Exercise intolerance is the development of shortness of breath upon exertion.
peripheral edema
Peripheral edema refers to the accumulation of fluid in the intercellular tissue spaces of the legs and ankles.
the patient had marked peripheral edema
Marked peripheral edema is usually a manifestation of heart failure -- especially of the right ventricle.
shortness of breath
Shortness of breath is a common clinical manifestation of heart failure.
cardiac enlargement and pulmonary edema
Pulmonary edema refers to the accumulation of abnormal amounts of fluid in the extravascular spaces of the lungs. There are many causes for pulmonary edema. However, it is common clinical manifestation of left ventricular heart failure. Pressures rise in the left atrium and ventricle to compensate for the failure and this causes increased pressure in the pulmonary vasculature. Incrased pulmonary capillary pressure relative to the plasma oncotic pressure cause fluid to leave the vessels and enter the interstitial spaces of the lung.
pleural effusions
Pleural effusion is the presence of fluid in the pleural space. Increased hydrostatic pressure in the pulmonary vasculature, as seen in heart failure, is one cause of pleural effusion.
650 grams
A normal heart weighs 300 grams (range: 270 to 360 grams).
evidence of stenosis
Aortic stenosis (calcification of the aortic valve) is the most common valve abnormality. Calcification of the valve leads to a reduced valve area. Increased pressure is thus needed from the left ventricle to pump blood into the aorta. Over time, the pressure-overloaded ventricle hypertrophies concentrically (increased ratio of wall thickness to cavity radius) in an attempt to reduce wall tension (review the Law of Laplace). Eventually, the left ventricle's contractile capacity is overwhelmed by the stiffness of the ventricle (due to hypertrophy) and pressure begins to increase through the left atrium and into the pulmonary vasculature. Increased pulmonary artery pressures then lead to right ventricular failure.
Aortic insufficiency refers to the inability of the aortic valve to close properly, thus allowing regurgitation of blood into the left ventricle during diastole -- i.e., volume overload. Disease of the aortic valve leaflets is a common cause of insufficiency.
concentric hypertrophy
Concentric hypertrophy is seen in pressure-overloaded hearts.
(700 grams)
A normal heart weighs 300 grams (range: 270 to 360 grams).

Myocardial infarction is necrosis of myocardial tissue which occurs as a result of a deprivation of blood supply, and thus oxygen, to the heart tissue. Blockage of blood supply to the myocardium is caused by occlusion of a coronary artery.

Myocardial infarction is necrosis of myocardial tissue which occurs as a result of a deprivation of blood supply, and thus oxygen, to the heart tissue. Blockage of blood supply to the myocardium is caused by occlusion of a coronary artery.

An occlusion is a blockage.

Atherosclerosis is the deposition of lipid into the intima of arteries, resulting in narrowing of the vessel lumen.

A thrombus is a solid mass resulting from the aggregation of blood constituents within the vascular system.

Palliative surgery provides alleviation but is not curative.

A normal white blood cell count is 4000-11,000 cells/mm³.

An infiltrate is an accumulation of cells in the lung parenchyma--this is a sign of pneumonia.

An infiltrate is an accumulation of cells in the lung parenchyma--this is a sign of pneumonia.

In alcoholics, aspiration pneumonia is common--bacteria enter the lung via aspiration of gastric contents.

Consolidation is the filling of lung air spaces with exudate--this is a sign of pneumonia.

An abscess is a collection of pus (white blood cells) within a cavity formed by disintegrated tissue.

An abscess is a collection of pus (white blood cells) within a cavity formed by disintegrated tissue.

Candidiasis is an infection by the fungus Candida in the oral cavity.

Hematuria is the presence of blood in the urine.

Pyuria is the presence of white blood cells (pus) in the urine.

Sepsis is the presence and persistence of pathogenic microorganisms and their toxins in the blood.

DIC is the development of small thrombi within the microcirculation throughout the body.

Acid fast bacilli are not easily decolorized by acid during staining. This is characteristic of mycobacteria.

A normal left lung weighs 375 grams (range: 325 to 480 grams).

A normal right lung weighs 450 grams (range: 360 to 570 grams.

Pulmonary congestion is the engorgement of pulmonary vessels with blood. The increased pressure caused by this engorgement leads to transudation of fluid through the capillary walls and into the alveolar and interstitial spaces.

Pulmonary edema refers to the accumulation of fluid in the pulmonary alveolar and tissue spaces as a result of changes in capillary permeability and/or increases in capillary hydrostatic pressure.

Disseminated tuberculosis refers to the hematogenous spread of tuberculous lesions throughout the body. It is also known as miliary tuberculosis (which is so-called because the lesions resemble millet).

Disseminated tuberculosis refers to the hematogenous spread of tuberculous lesions throughout the body. It is also known as miliary tuberculosis (which is so-called because the lesions resemble millet).

A tuberculosis granuloma is a focus of granulomatous inflammation caused by CHRONIC tuberculosis infection. The granuloma consists of epithelioid cells (activated macrophages) surrounded by lymphocytes, plasma cells, and fibroblasts.

Anthracotic pigment is coal dust deposited in the lungs--it is seen in coal miners, city-dwellers, and smokers.

Caseous means cheesy.

Prostatic carcinoma is a highly metastatic form of cancer.

Back pain resulting from vertebral metastases of prostatic carcinoma is not uncommonly the presenting symptom which leads to the discovery of the carcinoma. Pain occurs late in the metastatic process and is an indicator of a poor outlook for a patient.

Most commonly, prostatic carcinoma arises in the peripheral region of the gland.

Corpora amylacea are small hyaline masses of degenerated cells and inspissated secretions. They are so named because they resemble (but are categorically not) amyloid deposits.

Exercise intolerance is the development of shortness of breath upon exertion.

Shortness of breath is a common clinical manifestation of heart failure.

Peripheral edema refers to the accumulation of fluid in the intercellular tissue spaces of the legs and ankles.

Marked peripheral edema is usually a manifestation of heart failure -- especially of the right ventricle.

Pulmonary edema refers to the accumulation of abnormal amounts of fluid in the extravascular spaces of the lungs. There are many causes for pulmonary edema. However, it is common clinical manifestation of left ventricular heart failure. Pressures rise in the left atrium and ventricle to compensate for the failure and this causes increased pressure in the pulmonary vasculature. Incrased pulmonary capillary pressure relative to the plasma oncotic pressure cause fluid to leave the vessels and enter the interstitial spaces of the lung.

Pleural effusion is the presence of fluid in the pleural space. Increased hydrostatic pressure in the pulmonary vasculature, as seen in heart failure, is one cause of pleural effusion.

A normal heart weighs 300 grams (range: 270 to 360 grams).

Aortic stenosis (calcification of the aortic valve) is the most common valve abnormality. Calcification of the valve leads to a reduced valve area. Increased pressure is thus needed from the left ventricle to pump blood into the aorta. Over time, the pressure-overloaded ventricle hypertrophies concentrically (increased ratio of wall thickness to cavity radius) in an attempt to reduce wall tension (review the Law of Laplace). Eventually, the left ventricle's contractile capacity is overwhelmed by the stiffness of the ventricle (due to hypertrophy) and pressure begins to increase through the left atrium and into the pulmonary vasculature. Increased pulmonary artery pressures then lead to right ventricular failure.

Aortic insufficiency refers to the inability of the aortic valve to close properly, thus allowing regurgitation of blood into the left ventricle during diastole -- i.e., volume overload. Disease of the aortic valve leaflets is a common cause of insufficiency.

Concentric hypertrophy is seen in pressure-overloaded hearts.

A normal heart weighs 300 grams (range: 270 to 360 grams).